Congratulations to the cast of Junie B Jones The Musical Jr at Shine!

Junie B Jones performs February 24-26, 2023 at The Courtyard Theater: 1509 H Ave., Plano, TX 75074.

In order of appearance

Junie B Jones - Lila Hulme

Daddy - Luke Hulme

Mother - Reese Olsen

Tickle the Dog - Kathleen Orth

Lucille - Channing Lawson

Camille - Evi Prendergast

Chenille - Harper Brodt

Grace - Aly Dominguez

Bobbi Jean Piper - Maya Howard

Mr Woo - Boston Prendergast

Herbert - Evan Pounds

May - Arianna Teixeira

Lennie - Silas Choate

Jose - Benaiah Havens

Mr Scary - Izzy Martin

Shirley - Ellie Hammer

Lunch Student 1 - Kate Reed

Sheldon - Henry L’Roy

Gladys Gutzman  - Brooklyn North

School Kids -

Everly Cifuentes

Leddy Owens

Savana Unterbug

Reid Hill

Ryan Hill

Tyler Hulme

Alex Rambo

Addison Lewis

Claire Woodward

Cheerleaders -

Bella Brown

Kate Xiao

Annie Dominguez

Caroline Meacham

Holland Brodt

Finley Callahan


Congratulations to the cast of the phantom of the opera at Shine!


Congratulations to the cast of She Loves Me at Shine!